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Products Introduction


Aroma woody, iris-like


Natural presence unfound


Application commonly used in floral fragrances, such as lilac, osmanthus, sweet acacia, mimosa, lily and chypre, also frequently used in oriental fragrances and fragrances with the note of ambergris, amber, and musk. Perfect to blend with many floral and woody ingredients, can be used as the blender, modifier, and base. Also used in food flavors
Technical data

Product code: XLMT01

Appearance: colorless to pale yellow clear liquid

CAS No.: 1335-46-2/7779-30-8

EINECS No.: 215-635-0

FEMA: 2711

Purity: α-methyl ionone 60.0%~72.0%, sum ionone ≥92.0%

Relative density (25℃/25℃): 0.924~0.934

Refractive index (20℃): 1.497 ~ 1.507

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