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Ammonium sulfate

Products Introduction


Properties Pure ammonium sulfate comes as colorless rhombohedral crystals, while the industrial products are white to light yellow crystals. The aqueous solution is acidic. It is insoluble in alcohol, acetone and ammonia. It is hygroscopic and solidifies into lumps after absorbing moisture.


Packaging Ton bags or 50kg bags


Production plant Weifang, Shandong Province
CAS number: 7783-20-2
火狐体育娱乐俱乐部’s ammonium sulfate is obtained by removing the sulfur dioxide from the recycled sulfuric acid tail gas and then putting it through catalytic oxidation. This process contributes to the efficient and comprehensive development of circular economy through harmless treatment of tail gas and reuse of materials in industrial parks. Ammonium sulfate is a nitrogen fertilizer, and must be applied with lime for strongly acidic soil.

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